Professionals Who Harvest With Integrity

Find a Master Logger
photo of a snowy logging road in the forest with a large stack of logs piled on the right and a smaller stack of logs piled on the left. Has a gray filter over the top.
Master Loggers responsibly harvest
7 million tons
of wood in the Northeast annually.

Master Logger Certification Program® provides professional timber harvesters an opportunity far surpassing a mere training program to advance their position as true stewards of our nation’s sustainable and renewable forest products.

Be part of a growing and elite group of professionals making a difference in the forest products industry.

Our Standard

The Master Logger Certification Program® (MLCP) is built upon a single standard with goals related to professionalism, forest health, safety, and continuous improvement.

All loggers certified under the Master Logger Certification Program® are SmartLogging certified. This certificate represents an independent, global recognition of the integrity of the Master Logger standard with a commitment to sustainable, ethical practices.


Six Simple Steps
to Certification

Our Certification standards include legal compliance, protection of employees, professional harvest planning, and the application of logging techniques that protect soil and water resources, cultural heritage, wildlife, and forest aesthetics
graphic listing the words: "contact a representative", "field inspection", "application submission", "application review", "application approval", "certification announcement!"