Dear Master Loggers

I am writing to inform you of my departure from the Trust to Conserve Northeast Forestlands (TCNEF) today. Rest assured, the TCNEF executive committee has crafted a transition plan and is strategizing for the organization’s long-term future. I am confident that TCNEF is on a solid footing and poised for a strong future. If there are any questions in the interim, reach out to Sydney Anderson, TCNEF program manager, at (207) 688-8195 or

Over the past 8 1/2 years, it has been my absolute pleasure to work alongside professional loggers, a pursuit I am deeply passionate about. During this period, Northeast Master Logger® Certification has broadened its offerings to participants through engaging workshops, interactive outreach events, and benefits such as workers’ comp reductions. TCNEF has also taken a leadership role on the national stage through its collaboration with the American Loggers Council and a board position on the Forest Stewardship Council.

The Master Logger brand has experienced significant growth in recognition over the last eight years, both geographically and numerically, with 77 new Master Logger Certification (MLC) companies from across the region joining the ranks. While I take great pride in the work we have accomplished, I recognize that it would not have been possible without your professionalism and commitment to responsible harvesting.

The Northeast Master Logger program and TCNEF were established with the aim of elevating the level of professionalism and the overall status of the hard-working logging contractor. I believe we have achieved this goal to a great extent, and the future of the program looks bright.

Thank you for your support and dedication over the years. It has been my pleasure working with you and on behalf of you for the last eight years and I hope all of you have a wonderful summer.

