graphic with the title "steps to becoming a master logger certified company" with a timeline graphic with icons on the top and the following text below: "submit enrollment form", "company interview", "field inspection", "company reviews application", "certification board meets to review application", "certification", "public announcement"

Becoming Master Logger Certified

Step One:
The company contacts the MLCP Administrator who then sends out a complete readiness packet outlining expectations and standards. Then company schedules a 3-5 hour on-site interview:

  • Performance standards are explained
  • The commitment to superior management practice is defined
  • 3-5 past and current harvest sites are identified
  • 3 professional references are obtained
  • Company has opportunity for some self-reporting/evaluation

Step Two:
Field inspection by an MLCP accredited field verifier

Step Three:
The company reviews the MLCP application for accuracy, provides challenges, clarification or explanation, signs code of ethics, and approves sending application to certification board

Step Four:
Certification Board reviews application

Step Five:
The Certification Board meets and votes on acceptance of application

Step Six:
Newly certified MLCP companies are announced at a public reception

Maintaining Certification

Maintaining Master Logger Certification involves periodic field verification of on-the-ground practices. This constitutes the recertification process and is done two years following initial certification, then moves to a four-year cycle. The report generated from field verification is accompanied by a background check with relevant state agencies and is reviewed by the Certification Board, which then makes a decision regarding recertification. Master Loggers may be subject to field verification outside of this cycle, if concerns are reported to the main office or upon request by the Certification Board.

External Audits:
Every year, a sample of Master Logger Companies are also verified by a third-party, independent Certifying Body, Preferred by Nature. The Certifying Body selects companies for field audits and reviews group documents. From these, a report is written highlighting the performance of the group. These reports identify strengths and areas for improvement and are used to continuously improve the program.

Annual Certification Fee:
Master Logger Certification is renewed annually upon payment of a Certification Fee, assessed based on annual tonnage. A discount exists for contractor members of the Professional Logging Contractors of the Northeast (PLC).