Certification Board
To protect the integrity of the Master Logger Certification Program® (MLCP), a Certification Board exists to review field verification reports and applications for certification, as well as to contribute to the continuous improvement of the program.
The MLCP Certification Board represents the multiple interests in and values of the Northeastern Forest. Members have been state representatives, retired and current loggers, retired forestry practitioners, academics, business consultants, and representatives of environmental, social justice, and regional development organizations. Members have expertise in one or more areas of natural resource management and rural economic development. To be eligible, MLCP Certification Board members must not stand to receive any personal or corporate financial gain from the forest products industry or their participation on the MLCP Certification Board.

The functions of the MLCP Certification Board are:
- Reviewing company applications and reports
- Discussing applications and reports, coming to consensus decisions, and directing MLCP staff as to their decisions or need for further information.
- Guiding the MLCP program in continuous improvement and contributing to program policies and procedures.
- Approving or denying certifications
Current MLCP Certification Board Members:
Jeff Dubis, Associate Professor, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Ranger School, Wanakena, NY
Wendy Farrand, Speaker/Writer, Limerick, ME
Anil Raj Kizha, Assistant Professor Forest Operations, University of Maine, Orono, ME
Charles Loring, Jr., Director of the Penobscot Nation Department of Natural Resources, Indian Island, ME
Jon Pottle, Environmental Lawyer, Bangor ME
Larry Poulin, Retired Master Logger, Readfield, ME
Pam Wells, Landowner, Old Town, ME