What is Northeast Master Logger?
The Northeast Master Logger Certification is a third-party certification for timber harvesting companies. Master Logger Certified Companies have proven that they have achieved compliance with a standard which includes legal compliance, protection of employees, professional harvest planning, and the application of logging techniques that protect soil and water resources, cultural heritage, wildlife, and forest aesthetics
I am a logger and want to get my company certified.
I am landowner, forester, or other interested party searching for information on the program.
I am a Master Logger looking for resources.
Check out our new videos below with Master Loggers in New York, Vermont and New Hampshire!
Harvest Tour with a Master Logger
By Jeanne Siviski Posted July 12, 2016, at 10:37 a.m. Wednesday, July 13, 2016 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Location: Active harvest on a woodlot, Storer Mountain Rd., Waldoboro, ME For more information: 207-542-9910; swoam.org Join Master Logger Gavin Mclain, of CTL Land...