What is Northeast Master Logger?
The Northeast Master Logger Certification is a third-party certification for timber harvesting companies. Master Logger Certified Companies have proven that they have achieved compliance with a standard which includes legal compliance, protection of employees, professional harvest planning, and the application of logging techniques that protect soil and water resources, cultural heritage, wildlife, and forest aesthetics
I am a logger and want to get my company certified.
I am landowner, forester, or other interested party searching for information on the program.
I am a Master Logger looking for resources.
Check out our new videos below with Master Loggers in New York, Vermont and New Hampshire!
Free Master Logger Hands-on Stream Crossing Workshops
The Northeast Master Logger program will host new Hands-on Stream Crossing Workshops in 2021 - These trainings are Free for Master Loggers and their employees Randolph, Vermont – May 20, 2021West Paris, Maine (Southern Maine) – May 25, 2021Island Falls, Maine...
Grant Invests in Logger Certification to Support Green Economy
Master Logger in the Rhode Island Woods
RIFCO President Bill Fortune stands in front of the newly installed slash wall within the 3-acre habitat clearing at the Merriman Demonstration Woodlot in Foster, being installed by Master Logger Certified Bob Thurber of Jerimoth Forestry.As discussed in last month's...